Environmental Ecology and Wetland Conservation Research Group
Environmental ecology and wetland conservation research team has given full play to historical accumulation and research advantages of Northeast Normal University in the field of wetland and environmental ecology and carried out theoretical basis and application research on environmental ecology and wetland conservation in view of the existing problems and research hotspots of northeast wetland since its establishment in 2002. The research team has one National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars, four professors, fiver associate professors and two lecturers. It has one key laboratory of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, one key laboratory co-founded by Jilin Province and the Ministry of Science and Technology, one Science and Technology Innovation Center of Jilin Province and one International Cooperation Base of Jilin Province. It has undertaken 112 projects, including National Program on Key Basic Research Project (973 Program), National Science and Technology Major Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Environmental Protection Public Welfare Project, National Key Research and Development Program of China, National Natural Science Foundation of China. It has won 16 provincial and ministerial awards from the Ministry of Water Resources and Hydropower, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Education, etc. In the past five years, it has published more than 100 SCI papers and obtained more than 20 patents. The main research interests include: (1) wetland ecological process and functional mechanism; (2) degraded wetland and vegetation restoration technology; (3) wetland function development and resource management.



接种蓝藻构建人工结皮是一种极具应用前景的退化土壤生态修复方式。为了探究不同蓝藻对盐分的耐受能力,筛选对盐渍化土壤具有较强耐受性的蓝藻,本研究对盐胁迫下人工结皮的群落结构变化进行了研究。结果发现,不同蓝藻对盐分的敏感程度及耐受性存在明显差。人工结皮在接种后18年内,都是以Microcoleus vaginatus 和Scytonema javanicum占优势,而在1%的盐份胁迫下,这两种的相对丰度均显著下降。相较之下,更高的M. steenstrupii 、 Phormidium sp.基因拷贝数及相对丰度被检测到。本研究证实了结皮蓝藻的盐分偏好性,可为筛选盐渍化土壤生态修复的优良藻株提供重要参考。


THI(10、20和50 mg/L)。结果表明,与开路条件相比,生物电(闭路)的产生可使THI的去除率显著提高13.14–32.47%。中低浓度噻虫啉(10、20mg/L)对小球藻的生物量并无明显影响;最高的噻虫啉去除率与生物电压的产生(202 mV)均发生在低浓度10mg/L组。另外,在整个降解过程中共检测到7种代谢产物,其毒性均显著低于母体噻虫啉。本研究结果证实,微藻燃料电池在协同生物电产能、高效去除新烟碱类农药方面具有良好的应用前景。
1.Wang P.; Weiner J.; Cahill J.; Zhou D.W.; et al. Shoot competition, root competition and reproductive allocation in Chenopodium acuminatum. Journal of Ecology, 2014. 102: 1688-1696.
2.Luo W, Ragan M. Callaway, Daniel Z. Atwater. Intraspecific diversity buffers the inhibitory effects of soil biota. Ecology, 2016, 97(8): 1913-1918.
3.Song Y.; Zou Y.C.; Wang G.P; Yu X.F.; Altered soil carbon and nitrogen cycles due to the freeze-thaw effect: A meta-analysis, Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2017, 109: 35-49.
4.Zhi W.; Yuan L.; Ji G.D.; He C.G.; Enhanced long-term nitrogen removal and its quantitative molecular mechanism in Tidal Flow Constructed Wetlands. Environment Science and Technology, 2015, 49: 4575-4583.
5.Wu L.; Farías M.; Torres R.; Xia L.; et al. Salinity affects microbial composition and function in artificially induced biocrusts: Implications for cyanobacterial inoculation in saline soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2022, 170, 108691.
6.Bian H.F.; Zheng S.; Liu Y.; Xu L.; et al. Changes to soil organic matter decomposition rate and its temperature sensitivity along water table gradients in cold-temperate forest swamps, Catena, 2020.194: 104684.
7.Zheng S.; Bian H.F.; Quan Q.; Xu L.; et al. Effect of nitrogen and acid deposition on soil respiration in a temperate forest in China, GEODERMA, 2018.329: 82-90.
8.Li J.w.; Bian H.F.; Zhao L.Y.; Sun X.Q. et al. Characteristics of soil carbon emissions and bacterial community, Science of the Total Environment, 2022.839: 156242.
9.Yu X.F.; Ding S.S.; Lin Q.X.; Wang G.P.; et al. Wetland plant litter decomposition occurring during the freeze season under disparate flooded conditions, Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 706: 136091.
10.Ma Y.; Qi Y., Yang L., Wu L; et al. Adsorptive removal of imidacloprid by potassium hydroxide activated magnetic sugarcane bagasse biochar: Adsorption efficiency, mechanism and regeneration. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021, 292(10), 126005.